Corrective Services NSW

Alcohol and drug treatment

The Intensive Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program (IDATP), on the John Morony Correctional Complex, is a residential (live in) program for male and female offenders who have a drug and /or alcohol problem which is linked to their offending behaviour.

The IDATP aims to:

  • help offenders gain an understanding of their substance abuse dependence and offending behaviour
  • reduce the likelihood of re-offending
  • give offenders the skills, resources and support needed to return to the community, alcohol and/or drug-free and crime-free.

The IDATP takes a holistic approach incorporating a range of therapeutic, health, education, vocation and pre-release interventions aimed at addressing substance dependence, offending behaviour and reintegration. Currently IDATP is facilitated in a rolling format lasting approximately 6-8 months. However, the length of time spent in the program may vary, depending on participant progress. Whilst in the program, participants are expected to also engage in either education or employment. IDATP is offered to offenders at the Outer Metropolitan Multi-Purpose Correction Centre and Dillwynia Correctional Centre. 

Last updated:

11 May 2023

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