Corrective Services NSW

Cessnock Correctional Complex

Cessnock Correctional Complex is located in the Hunter Valley, 151km north-west of Sydney. There are three facilities on the complex:

Street address

Lindsay St
Cessnock NSW 2325

Postal address

PO Box 32
Cessnock NSW 2325

How to get there

Public transport

Rover Coaches have a limited service that runs from the Rover Depot in Cessnock to the complex. Please check the Rover Coaches website for a timetable - external site .

From Cessnock town centre, it is a half-hour walk or 5-minute taxi ride to the centre.

Private transport

The entrance to Cessnock Correctional Complex is off Wine Country Drive, turn into Kerlew Street and Left to Occident Street.  The main entry gate is approximately 75 mtrs on the right.

You will need to enter this into any 'navigational' device, as currently most devices such as Navman, Google maps, Garman and mobile phone apps appear to use an incorrect access road.

Visitor information

All visits require bookings. Visit bookings can be made directly with the correctional centre.

Conditions of entry

Appropriate dress standards

The visits area is a family environment. You must dress appropriately. This generally means clothes must be respectable and not too provocative.

You cannot wear anything that hides your face, except for religious reasons. In that case you will be asked to remove your face covering temporarily so staff can verify your identity.

Inappropriate dress includes:

  • Clothes that have possibly controversial logos, words or slogans such as:
    • Motorcycle gang 'colours' or gang insignias
    • Logos or symbols associated with drugs or drug paraphernalia or swear words
  • Tight or revealing clothing including:
    • Tops and dresses that expose the stomach or chest
    • Swimsuits or skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh
    • Mesh or other "see-through" clothes
    • Clothes that are excessively dirty, ripped or frayed
  • Heels higher than 5 centimetres
  • Any jewellery other than a plain wedding band, sleepers and studs. This means no engagement ring or any other ring with stones, and no bracelets or necklaces
  • Tops or jumpers with a hood
  • Hats, scarves or head coverings (excluding religious wear)
  • Hair scrunchies or clips. Only single elasticated hair ties are allowed
  • Watches, smart watches or activity trackers
  • Bare feet.
Last updated:

28 Jun 2024

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