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The OIMS for Offender Services and Programs (OS&P) – Record Scheduled Programs course has been designed to meet the needs of OS&P staff within CSNSW recording offender participation in Compendium Programs.
At the conclusion of this program learners will be able to identify the relevant screens and components of each which are used to record program participation, create a program schedule, allocate participants to a program group, record offender attendances and completions, maintain groups (add/remove participants), re-schedule and/or cancel sessions and finalise a group. Completion of this course will result in a Statement of Training.
Open to OS&P staff responsible for recording program participation.
This workshop will require completion of the following;
26 Nov 2024
We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future.
Informed by lessons of the past, Department of Communities and Justice is improving how we work with Aboriginal people and communities. We listen and learn from the knowledge, strength and resilience of Stolen Generations Survivors, Aboriginal Elders and Aboriginal communities.
You can access our apology to the Stolen Generations.